Did I miss it or can't I change the color of the highlight bar in the file list? Since I have chosen a relatively dark background, I can barely see the bar and would like to make it lighter.I've been looking for a way to change the highlight color when: selecting a file/folder, the highlight color when searching/filters?.I have a black active background and a grey inactive background, but its hard to see what I have selected or whats selected from searches. How do I change the color of the highlighted (currently selected items). Is it possible to select a different background color for the selection? I have selected the black color (#000000) The background color of the selected file is displayed dark blue and as such it is hard to distinguish the selection.Can I change the highlight color? Thank you!? It's workable, but pretty hard to see against the almost black BG color. Now I'm trying a darker BG color scheme, but the highlight color when selecting a file stays the same: dark blue.

I changed the colors a bit to support my own dark "theme" However, I could not understand how to change the color of the selection bar (not row) Currently it is dark blue over black panel/row?